Archive for the 'If I Ever' Category
If you pre-ordered from Riptide, it’s available now!
Also, Amazon has a pre-order link up as of today as well (altho the paperback is live) and the ebook won’t go live until sometime tomorrow). I’ll add Barnes & Noble and Kobo as those links populate over the next few days.
IF I EVER: Hell or HighWater 4
Coming January 21, 2019
Some ghosts refuse to stay buried . . .
Prophet and Tom have been through the ringer more times than they can count, both as partners in the field and in life. Yet despite it all,
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IF I EVER: Hell or HighWater 4 – releases January 21, 2019
Some ghosts refuse to stay buried . . .
Prophet and Tom have been through the ringer more times than they can count, both as partners in the field and in life. Yet despite it all, they’ve built something great together. But now they need to protect it again: Prophet’s old nemesis, John Morse, is back and threatening everything he loves.
Prophet is driven enough to take John down alone, and with a chance to do exactly that on the table, he runs with it, risking himself in
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Proper reading order is a request I get a lot, so I figured it would be easier to link to it rather than retyping it every time I get asked. And since so many of you ask, I realized that the more books I have, the more complicated this gets. So I’m going to give you two different scenarios below, depending on where you’ve already started.
Option 1:
In the past, I’ve suggested that people read my books in the order I wrote them. This makes the most sense, because as I went along, I mention other characters in different … Read More »
(I refer to Tyler and SEJ in this post because I’m cross-posting 🙂
I’ve started and stopped this post a million times. But here goes: Lots of family shit = unhappy writer. And my muse doesn’t like things like constant phone calls and hospitals. I can write through a lot of things, but this particular brick wall I ran into (aka my mother)—it just didn’t work.
She’s getting…better. Ish. It’s a lot of complicated shit and a long road ahead. Coupled with the death of my dad last year, it’s just been a lot. I owe a lot of people … Read More »
NOT FADE AWAY (Hell or High Water 3,5) is available now! You can grab it at the following links: (and link will become live as I find them 🙂
Riptide / Amazon / B&N / ARe / Kobo
NOT FADE AWAY was always in my contract as a short, which is typically 5K. But I knew I wanted to see this cover in print and so Prophet and I had a chat and we told a bit more of the story and now, you’ve got a 10K story that you can buy in chapbook form for 3.99!… Read More »
Okay, lots of reveals today! First, thanks to the fabulous Frauke at CrocoDesigns for the new site! (she’s also responsible for Free Falling’s cover 🙂 I adore the site – and let me tell you, I basically told her what I wanted and she just nailed it on the first try. I love the panels on the home page and I’ll be able to add for new books and new series, so it’s perfect.
We’re still tweaking some things, so if you see anything that looks weird or needs fixing, just yell. I don’t think you can comment on individual … Read More »
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