Alter Egos:

Archive for the 'Free Falling' Category


Thanks so much for everyone who helped spread the word about the contest!!!  I was going to put everyone’s links (including your likes and such) into but my son wanted to help.  So…I wrote down everyone’s names (so if you had 4 entries, your name got put in four times and yes, if you emailed me your links instead of posting them, they were included!) and then my son pulled the names 🙂  And it kept him busy so I thank you all.  It took a long time but it was worth it 🙂 SE_FreeFalling_highres

In the end, there … Read More »

Win a Kindle or a Nook! (CONTEST CLOSED)

So, in honor of FREE FALLING’s imminent release (and I’m really hoping it’s up everywhere by December 5th, but since it’s the first time I’m self-publishing a book, it can take up to a week for Amazon / B&N to upload.  Next time should be much easier)…I’m having a contest!!!

First, what you can win:

1st prize:  Kindle Paperwhite (wifi only) or Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight, along with either a copy or preorder of FREE FALLING and a pre-order of BOUND FOR KEEPS (available 2/19/13)

2nd Prize:  a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card

How to enter:

First, … Read More »

Free Falling cover / blurb / excerpt

I’ve been doing some website updates – I still have work to do on the book pages and can’t get the Men of Honor series in the right order even though I’ve numbered them correctly within the wordpress pages.  But hey, you can’t have everything, right?  

Anyway, I’ve finally got Blue’s (aka Free Falling) cover!  I’m in love – thanks to the wonderful Frauke from CrocoDesigns!  I’ve also got an excerpt up for Free Falling here. Release date is November 27, 2012 and I’ll let you know when everything goes live, since I’m self pubbing it.

Sometimes Read More »


Hey guys!  If you’re on Goodreads at all, please join my group 🙂  You can start topics, ask questions, etc.  Or just be my friend and we can dish books 🙂  I’m just starting out there, trying to navigate the waters.  Don’t leave me there all alone…

And, if you’re looking for a quick peek into the upcoming Free Falling (it’s Blue’s book – a novella coming out in November), look no further:

One year earlier

Blue had the hotel safe open and the necklace tucked into his palm when a big hand moved gently over the back of his Read More »

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